Central California Faculty Medical Group (CCFMG) and its University Centers of Excellence are now Inspire Health Medical Group.

Geoffrey Stroh, MD

Professor, UCSF

Emergency Medicine

Geoffrey Stroh, MD, is board certified in emergency medicine.

He attended the Florida International University for his undergraduate degree. Dr. Stroh completed his medical degree at the University of Miami, School of Medicine. He completed his emergency medicine residency at the UCSF Fresno Medical Education Program.

Dr. Stroh has special interest in Emergency Medical Services (EMS) and wilderness medicine. He is the Medical Advisor for the Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks. He is the National Medical Advisor for the National Park Service.

In 2002, Dr. Stroh was the recipient of the UCSF Fresno Faculty Research Award.

Education and Training

  • Emergency Medicine Residency – UCSF Fresno – Fresno, CA
  • Doctor of Medicine – University of Miami – Miami, FL
  • Undergraduate – Florida International University – Miami, FL

Licensure & Certifications

  • American Board of Emergency Medicine
  • California State Medical License